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Best AI Advertising Tools 2024


AdCreative.ai is a powerful AI software for creating high-converting Facebook and Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Pinterest Ads, and Linkedin Ads in minutes. If you are a business owner or marketer looking for an easy way to generate engaging and effective ads for your products or services, AdCreative.ai can help you save time and money.

استخدم الرمز الترويجي:




  • Automatically generates ad copy, headlines, and images
  • Optimizes ads for different objectives and audiences
  • Integrates with Meta Ads and Google Ads, Pinterest Ads, Linkedin Ads
  • Offers a 7-day free trial


  • Limited customization options for images


AdIntelli is a unique AI tool designed to monetize Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) through in-chat advertisements. It aids in generating revenue by embedding ads into GPT chat environments, thereby growing a GPT business. AdIntelli accomplishes this by tapping into several global ad networks and leveraging advanced AI. This approach proves appealing for advertisers who aim to promote AI apps, whilst also serving as an effective channel for promoting GPT apps. An integral feature of AdIntelli is its nonintrusive method of advertisement integration. Ads are designed to blend seamlessly into GPT conversation, offering a personalized user experience. This method is speculated to attract higher user engagement, potentially enhancing the likelihood of ad clicks. The tool emphasizes an ease-of-use approach and allows embedding of ads into your GPTs within a very short time.


  • Monetizes GPTs through in-chat advertisements
  • Taps into several global ad networks
  • Nonintrusive method of advertisement integration
  • Designed to attract higher user engagement


  • No specific cons found yet


Jasper AI هو مساعد كتابة قوي للذكاء الاصطناعي الذي يلبي مجموعة واسعة من احتياجات إنشاء المحتوى. إنه مفيد بشكل خاص لفرق التسويق ومنشئي المحتوى والشركات التي تتطلع إلى تبسيط عملية إنتاج المحتوى الخاصة بهم. بفضل واجهته سهلة الاستخدام وتكامله مع أدوات مثل Grammarly، يعمل Jasper AI على تبسيط عملية الكتابة وتحسين الإنتاجية.


  • Highly rated with a 4.8/5 stars from over 10,000 reviews
  • Intuitive user interface and ease of use
  • Wide range of templates and content types supported
  • Integration with Grammarly and other Chrome extensions
  • Adapts to different writing styles and improves over time


  • May produce overly technical or inaccurate content
  • Some users report it as ineffective and not worth the investment
  • Can struggle with niche topics and requires fact-checking
  • Premium pricing may be a barrier for some users
  • Occasional errors and repetitive content generation